Cultivated and clean meat companies and investors

This archive includes major cultivated meat and seafood companies and investors. For more extensive profiles and sms-notifications about career and investment opportunities. For more extensive profiles and sms-notifications about career and investment opportunities,
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Cultivated meat, milk, eggs, and other products are grown in cell cultures, rendering the need to raise and slaughter animals for these products unnecessary. The goal of cell-based meat producers is to create bacon without pigs, milk without cows, and eggs without chickens.

Cultivated alternatives can be created for any product produced by an animal, including meat, dairy, eggs, fish, and gelatin. Cultivated products come from various processes in cellular agriculture that multiply cells taken from animal tissue in order to grow animal products without the need for future input from animals.  

Examples of companies developing cultivated meat, milk, eggs, and fish include: Memphis Meats, Perfect Day, JUST Inc., and Blue Nalu.

Terms that may refer to cultivated meat include clean meat, lab-grown meat, cultured meat, green meat, safe meat, meat grown via cellular agriculture, artificial meat, “in vitro meat”, cultured tissue, and tissue-engineered meat. 

Other related terms include novel proteins, fermentation, and precision fermentation. Precision fermentation in the context of producing alternatives to animal-products is the process of programming microorganisms to produce animal proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (e.g., Perfect Day uses yeast bacteria to produce dairy proteins). 

The production of cultivated meat does not involve the factory farming or slaughtering of animals, requires significantly fewer natural resources, and emits substantially lower levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) than the production of animal-based meat. Research indicates cultivated meat involves an between 7% and 45% lower energy use, 78% and 96% lower GHG emissions, 99% lower land use, and between 82% and 96% lower water use, depending whether beef, sheep, pork or poultry is being produced.

The cultivated/cell-based/clean meat, milk, egg, and fish space is an evolving ecosystem, and investment in the space is rapidly expanding. The Good Food Institute (GFI) has noted that in 2019, cultivated meat companies around the world raised 63% more capital than in 2018 and more than 100% more than during 2016 and 2017 combined. During the first quarter of 2020, Memphis Meats closed a $161 million Series B round with investors including Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Cargill, and Tyson. 

Used in a sentence: Woah, this cultivated meat is delicious. It tastes and feels exactly like meat from a slaughtered animal, but it was grown in a cell culture instead. It requires less resources to produce and is safer to consume. I love it! Also, it seems like old meat companies will go out of business if they don’t convert to this new more efficient method of meat production. 

“I believe that in 30 years or so we will no longer need to kill any animals and that all meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same and also be much healthier for everyone." -- Richard Branson

Pivot Food Investment encourages institutions to invest in cultivated meat, milk, and eggs. If you’re an investor, journalist, or researcher looking for more information about cellular agriculture, or if you’d like add your cell-based, cultivated, or clean meat company to our list, send us an email at [email protected].